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Next Level Substation Testing: Station to CC Closed Loop Validation


How adhering to standardized configuration practices enables fast and reliable validation


Language: English or German | Duration: 60 minutes

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Topics Covered

Testing Substations - Today and Tomorrow

Proposing an automated test stack for substation testing

Live Demonstration

Interactive Q&A Sessions

Why watch?

Substation failure potentially leads to severe consequences for the power grid and energy consumers, as well as for utilities and developers. Therefore, reliable testing and systematic validation of components and functions is critical during the development and commissioning of substations. Moreover, due to increasing grid dynamics, modernization of substation assets and increased speed of the grid expansion, the requirements to substation testing expand significantly. Our experts discuss and reflect on the current challenges, as well as emerging prerequisites and propose a solution for efficient, computer aided substation validation. This session will deliver valuable insights, and help provide a clear vision towards efficient and future-proof substation testing.

Who should watch?

This is a perfect opportunity for substation technologists, decision makers and developers to improve their knowledge about methods and best practices for modern substation testing. End-Users as well as System Integrators will be given practical tips and insights, how to align substation design, modelling and implementation with the advanced methods for computer aided substation testing. This will help you to create significant synergy among your implementation, FAT (factory acceptance) and SAT (site acceptance) stages, and improve the overall reliability of you solutions.


Juergen Resch

Director of Energy and Infrastructure

Onur Durak

Product Manager | OMICRON

Lewis Williams

Industry Specialist Energy | COPA-DATA

Björn Cialla

Application Engineer | OMICRON

About our guest



OMICRON serves the electrical power industry with innovative products and services for
testing, diagnostics and monitoring of assets worldwide. We help to make the generation,
transmission and distribution of electricity safe and reliable.


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